Price Match

We aim to match the price of your products if you find them cheaper somewhere else.


Our Price Match Promise

We aim to price match any item we sell and it's delivery against any other retailer – we’ll even match discount codes and those all-important sales periods. Here’s what you need to do to you get the best price:

  • Make sure the competitor has stock and total cost is cheaper ours
  • Call us on 01642 931332
  • Let our friendly team know the product code
  • Tell us where you spotted it

Alternatively, hit the 'Price Match Guarantee' link on a product page and complete the quick form.

Important Information

No confusing jargon here, just handy information you should know.

  • We match against the total cost of our competitor’s item and delivery, so keep this in mind before you contact us
  • We only price match against websites from retailers in the UK (exlcuding eBay and Amazon)
  • The product on our competitor’s site needs to be exactly the same as the one on our site
  • The product must be in stock with the competitor and available for delivery within 10 days

If you're looking for a better price, trade discount or want to order in bulk quantities, call 01642 931332 to speak to an account manager.